Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Love My Brain

Stumbled across super*dd's work on flickr. Her style rocks, sorta retro-disturbed.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Cards for Sale

The illustrations from the previous three posts (monkey, rhino, ogre) are now available as greetings cards and invitations at If you check them out, you'll find that the text on the cards is fully customizable.

I did make some changes to the illustrations, and these may be seen by clicking through to my zazzle store, threeholedesign.

If you wish to link to my store, you may do so with*

Happy Birthday Ogre (editable text) card

Rhino Party Invitation (editable text) card

Happy Birthday Monkey (editable text) card

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ogre Birthday

Green ogre, or linebacker? Either way, he wishes you a happy birthday. This is the one that started it all. That is, the precursor to the previous two illustrations/posts, yet it took me the longest to finish. Had to set it aside to get a fresh look to figure it out. Well, I guess I did decide that the monkey needs something more, so that will actually be the last to finish. Still not fully pleased with the ogre. But still having fun with the texture. It began with him wearing Laker purple and gold, but since I didn't finish it in time for my bro's birthday, I went with different colors since I was having trouble making the original colors work together with everything else. Hmmm, what if I made the monster's skin purple and gold?

Click image to enlarge.

Edit: birthday card now available. Read my post about them. Buy one.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Red Rhino

Red rhinoceroses are the life of any party. After finishing this rhino, I'm more certain that the monkey isn't quite done yet. The monkey might need some more balloons. And as I look at this, I might have to do away with the multi-color happy birthday. And put a kink in the party hat.

Edit: balloons at to monkey, and kink added to rhino hat, multi-color happy birthday gone. See the changes.
Also, now available for purchase as a birthday card. Read my post about them. Buy one.